MSS will prepare bespoke guidelines for your operation:
General Guidelines and Prevention Strategies
These provide general information on the virus as it evolves. These guidelines outline prevention of infections and outbreaks as well as the actions to be taken should an outbreak or single infection occur.
These guidelines are a “plug and play” system that assist in prevention and management of infections an outbreak. They provide pre-arrival guidance and questionnaires, quarantine recommendations and mechanical devices such as facemasks. These guidelines are scientific and evidence based and are updated regularly,
Clinical Escalation Guidelines
These guidelines provide a protocol to follow from when a person suspects he / she may have had close contact with an infected person or shows symptoms or has a positive test.
The guidelines take into account your operation, the local health infrastructure, nursing, evacuation options and referral facilities
On-Call support is provided by MSS medical advisors, including Consultant Intensivists and Physicians.
In addition to developing a site-specific testing protocol, MSS can supply COVID-19 tests, including finger prick Antibody Tests, throat swab Antigen Tests and full PCR tests with on-site, desktop PCR analysers delivering results in as little as 45 minutes.
MSS personnel can conduct these tests at the office or the place of residence, ensuring that the test is conducted as thoroughly as possible to ensure an accurate result.
Medical Facilities
Not everyone who contracts COVID-19 develops serious illness requiring ICU admission. Many patients can be managed in their place of residence or may require general ward admission for low flow oxygen and monitoring.
MSS can establish medical facilities or sick bays where patients can be managed while they await evacuation or for monitoring, or where there are no beds in local healthcare facilities.
Additional Services:
Vaccination Drives
Information Campaigns